CACSS History
The Copperbelt Agricultural and Commercial Show Society (CACSS) was established in 1950s by a group of farmers, businessmen, and government officials. The society’s primary objective was to promote agriculture, commerce, and industry in the Copperbelt region of Zambia.
The first show was held in 1957 at the Kitwe Showgrounds, with a focus on showcasing local agricultural produce, livestock, and handicrafts.
Growth and Expansion (1970s-1980s)
In the 1970s, the society expanded its scope to include commercial and industrial exhibits.The Copperbelt Showgrounds were upgraded, and new facilities were built to accommodate the growing number of exhibitors and visitors. The show became an annual event, attracting visitors from all over Zambia and neighboring countries.
From its inception in 1957,the Show has been the centre for the provision of information on goods and services available in the local economy. It has also attracted traders & industries from the region, from Southern, Eastern & North African markets as well as a few business houses outside Africa. The Copperbelt Show has been traditionally held during last weekend at the end of May or beginning of June. The Show has provided numerous business opportunities to the exhibitors as well as creating an entertainment environment for the family. The whole Show was a platform for information, entertainment, relaxation, food, treats and trade for nearly all sectors and groupings.
A few decades ago, the Society had interest shown from the mining industry on the Copperbelt as they too wanted to showcase their businesses! This led to more mine support businesses coming on board to show how they help the mines produce our much needed copper and in turn formed a section termed ZAMINEX which took up a two-day period of the Show where mine owners & management met and mingled with their suppliers & contractors including potentials from within & outside Zambia.
Over the years the number and type of exhibitors changed and eventually patterns of interest but one thing remained – the willingness to come together to showcase what WE do. CAMINEX was first held in….
The Show Society Board has created an exhibition of repute, The Copperbelt Agricultural, Mining, Industrial, Networking & Enterprise Exhibition(CAMINEX).
CAMINEX fosters trade & knowledge sharing, and is a platform where buyers & sellers of goods and services can meet and strike deals, create partnerships, grow business relations and form alliances whilst also creating a centre of much needed entertainment excellence which could attract & provide local and international entertainment for all.
CAMINEX is the flagship event of the Copperbelt Agricultutre and Commercial Show Society and is “strictly business” expo encompassing all sectors of the economy to enable them showcases their goods & services. It provides a platform for micro enterprises, SMEs, large corporates, & multi-nationals to advertise & showcase their business to the community and trading partners (existing & potential).
During the Expo the Show Society hosts & promotes symposiums conducted by high profile experts & academicians in their respective fields to encourage sharing of best practices, innovation, knowledge & information as a means to grow business whilst conducting business.
The Copperbelt Agriculture and Show Society was established in 1957.
The aim of the Copperbelt Show Society is to create a “strictly business” exhibition and to position CAMINEX regional base & gateway for business, agriculture, trade, tourism, financial services and mining in the years to come.
The Copperbelt Agriculture & Commercial Show Society Board envisages and encourage business deals & transactions to take place at the Show.
During CAMINEX business houses do entertain their clients, customers, partners, guests and visitors at their respective stands with their own plans giving them the opportunity to thank them for their past, present & future support.
1. Entertainment/Fun Fair
The Society will organise at least three (3) major separate entertainment programmes at different times of the year. The programmes are intended to take care of the family weekend that was previously held during Show time. The programme will deliberately aim at providing enhanced entertainment for the families and the community in and around Kitwe & the Copperbelt. The detailed programme of the entertainment package will be released once agreements have been made with various providers of services. All programmes of an entertainment nature that were associated with the show in the past will now be fused into this new programme.
The Society has a vision of developing this plan to create and host multiple theme parks, water parks, circuses, adventure parks in Kitwe.
Once again, the Society is aiming at being the leader for the provision of such packages within the City of Kitwe.
During the Entertainment Phases, all small-scale traders that may wish to showcase & sell their wares of relevant nature will be given an opportunity, facility & format to conduct their enterprise in a safe and secure environment.
2. Long Lease Rentals of Stands
The Society will continue to encourage and foster trade and business during the year by way granting access to willing tenants of stands should they wish to use facilities at the show grounds for active business, training facilities, social events, cocktails, etc. for the various corporates/institutions/associations within our City or outside.
Execution of Strategy
In order to achieve the plans outlined above, the Society is working hard to rehabilitate the poor infrastructure and upgrade it to cater for the numbers & quality of clientele which we plan to attract.
Some of the necessary improvements include the following: –
- Roads and Paving
- Ablution facilities
- Catering Facilities – Food Courts
- Security and Access Upgrade
- Upgrade of Services Power and Water Reticulation
- Upgrade of Exhibition Halls
- Construction of conference facilities
The above is a very ambitious programme that the Society has set out to do which will require total support from the business houses and community around us.
The Board has engaged local & central Government, large corporates, mining houses, associations and foreign missions to partner with us and help us see our strategy through. Incredible support has been pledged and we can therefore confidently say that our vision has got the backing to see it through.
We therefore look at other stakeholders within the Copperbelt community to join hands with us to make these programmes a reality.
The Board of the Show Society is committed to these programmes which it organises on behalf of the business houses and the community in general. The Society is a non-profit making organisation which takes up the mantle of organising these events for the community. The ultimate owners and beneficiaries of the show facilities are the various business houses that come on board and the community around us. All stakeholders are therefore, encouraged to come on board and play their major role in the development of the exhibition and entertainment facility for our City.
No one and no one, other than us – the business community and residents of this City will develop or improve the facilities that we need. If we don’t work towards this vision of a great venue for great events then no one will.
Collectively we can work together and leave a better platform for our future generations.